Activist Afternoons Are Popping Up All Over!

outdoor session

Activist Afternoons is an increasingly popular way for folks to take action to protect democracy and enact progressive legislation. Soon after it was launched in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2017, it quickly became clear this was a terrific strategy with “legs”:

  • Westport, CT volunteers jumped in with their own “ReSisters” starting in 2017; women with little political experience met in a local restaurant and started honing their advocacy skills and, in time, launched their Activist Afternoons
  • The “Concord Huddle” sprang into action in 2018
  • Andover, MA activists jumped in with Activist Afternoons just before the pandemic
  • Brookline, MA volunteers attended the Cambridge Activist Afternoons in 2019 and decided to start one of their own across the river. They are now “Activist Evenings Indivisible” and going strong!

All of these groups strove to stay in action through the pandemic, and once the world re-opened, they renewed their in-person efforts. In fact, two groups have just launched in March of 2024:

  • A group of activists in Florence, MA held a 30-person Activist Afternoon (seen below) in a private home with postcard-writing, phone-calling, and nomination paper-signing.
  • In Maryland, activists held “Drinks and Democracy” in a private home with nearly 70 in attendance.

We applaud these hearty activists for providing a venue for in-person action in their own communities!

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